Friday, November 23, 2012

On the bright side(ing)

Wednesday was a pretty rough day around here as we ended up putting our elder statescat to sleep after a bad week of health problems, so visiting the house wasn't even on our radar. But we were in the area for our family's Thanksgiving, so we left a little early to be able to check things out. The baby fell asleep on the way there (which was good, since I knew he wouldn't nap at the party!) so we drove around the neighborhood a bit to check things out. We were surprised to see workers on two of the houses, on Thanksgiving day! One was Ryan homes, the other was a different builder that is in our neighborhood. Both were framing crews. Apparently some crews work even on holidays or Sundays, but it's their choice not the company (per the PM).

Lo and behold when we drove up to our house...SIDING! And SHUTTERS! It looks great!

Spot 3

Spot 2

Spot 1

Spot 4 (and my thumb blocking the sun!
And the dumpster finally photobombs me.  Had to happen eventually!)

North side


Of course I took a bazillion pictures inside, with the intent of making more of my pano shots, but Photoshop is having a lot more trouble with perspective now that there are flat walls. It doesn't always realize that a corner isn't just another seam in the drywall. So here are a selection of single shots for your viewing pleasure.

Dining room/halls, with our capped stair walls

Morning room


Master bath

Interesting Stuff around windows - to protect corner edges?

Here's where our big TV will be, with the fancy speakers

Room under the stairs for more storage, maybe some shelves...or the litter box

Leak in the basement (PM says something about a balloon in the pipe to keep
water in the tubs, to check for leaks, he's not worried is what I'm saying here.)

Garage full of goodies!

Wyoming Cherry Bordeaux, as requested


Doors, doors, and more doors
This week is finishing drywall and painting, then the following week we should be getting trim and doors and cabinets installed.  At which point the doors will be locked, and I'll have to stop at the model to get a key.  :(


  1. Everything is looking great!! You will be on the home stretch very soon! We are at the same stage with finishing drywall and painting this week. We have a garage full of goodies but they ordered the wrong cabinets for my kitchen. :-(

    1. I also want to send my condolences for your kitty! I know what this feels like and it doesn't feel good! I am sorry for your lost.

    2. Thanks. It's been pretty rough. He was my first child, and it was hard letting go. It was for the best, though.

      Sorry to hear about your cabinets, when do you think you'll get the right ones?

  2. I'm sorry about your cat! =(

    Everything is looking great. I love your siding color!

    I'm surprised that your doors aren't locked already. As soon as they started trades, our place got locked up.

    1. Thanks and thanks. :)

      We don't have a garage door (for cars OR people), and none of the exterior doors have locks yet. So it's kind of hard to lock anything. :)

  3. Looking great. The white trim and peak really pop!

    1. They do, don't they! I have to say, when we were choosing colors I was a little leary of the combination. I'd have preferred green on green, same shade or one slightly darker. But this does look good!

  4. Looks good... I see you have the same odd shower stall/bathroom door design. I can't figure out why they but that shower there and have the door open in. Door only opens 90 degrees... And hits glass. Weird!

    1. Request to have your door swing out too. I had several doors swing out to utilize the space efficiently.

    2. Hadn't thought about that! I will put in a request, thanks for the heads up.
